Digital Signal Processing

Power Systems and Machines Section

Department of Electrical Engineering

Faculty of Engineering

Assiut University

Temporary website

This is a temporary web page for the course.


Yasser F. O. Mohammad


Eng. Shaimaa

Office Hours:

Sunday 10:12

Wednesday: 12:2

Office location: Electrical Engineering Department. First Floor, Ask about Dr. Yasser's office.


Item Degrees
Final Exam 100
Mid-term exam 30
Quizzes and TA Section Reports 20


Mid term exam    Beginning of May 2010


Assignment 1

Assignment 2

Assignment 3

Assignment 4

 Assignment 5

Assignment 6

Assignment 7

Assignment 8

Assignment 9

Assignment 10



Overview (Lecture 1)

Statistics and Noise (Lecture 2&3)

Statistics and Noise 2 (Lecture 4&5)

ADC/DAC (Lecture 6&7)

Linear Systems (Lecture 8&9)

Convolution (Lecture 10&11)

Convolution Properties (Lecture 12&13)

Discrete Fourier Transform (Lectures 14&15)

DFT Applications  (Lectures 16&17)

DFT Properties  (Lectures 18)

DFT Pairs  (Lectures 19)

Digital Filters  (Lectures 20&21)

Lectures 22 & 23 are revision lectures

Moving Average Filters  (Lectures 24)

Windows Sinc Filter  (Lectures 25)

Recursive Filters  (Lectures 26)